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Welcome to 3:6Teen!
3:6Teen is the youth ministry program for high schoolers of St. Nicholas Parish! 3:6Teen is a way through which young people may grow lasting friendships with their peers and mentors, may come to know Jesus on a more personal level and be given the tools to go forth and be missionary disciples for the rest of their lives. Please join us!

Our Patrons
Bl. Carlo Acutis was a great example of living a holy life as a young person and appreciating the beauty of Jesus in the Eucharist. He also showed how modern talents and abilities, such as his computer skills, could be used for spreading the Gospel here on Earth. Pope St. John Paul II effectively reached the hearts of many young people and encouraged them to be dynamic in living out the Catholic Faith. Bl. Carlo Acutis and Pope St. John Paul II, pray for us!

Bl. Carlo Acutis

Pope St. John Paul II
(Photo: Public Domain/Wikimedia Commons)
Summer Events and Other Opportunities
To receive text updates about events and other opportunities, text 36TEEN to 84576

Fr Robert's first kickball game!
Campfires and Cornhole are summer favorites!
Looking for Teen Leaders
A goal of 3:6Teen is building up leaders for the Church. A way through which that is done is by having leadership positions for you in which you can give of yourself for your peers by using your gifts and talents that God has given you. If you feel so called to be a youth leader, please pray, print out the form below and fill it out. It'll be great to have you!
Looking for Adult Volunteers
The youth minister can't do the job all on his own! He needs the grace of God. Often though, God graces a person with help through other people. If you feel God is calling you to be an adult volunteer for the youth of HYPE and/or 3:6Teen, please fill out the form below to assist in the mission of bringing youth closer to Christ.
Young Examples of Saintly Living
You are never too young to start living as a saint! Holiness is not dependent on age. Read up here on different people who lived lives that, though short, were full of love and imitation of Jesus. They show how, in any life circumstance, we can choose to give ourselves to Christ and others. These persons include someone who used his computer knowledge to tell people about Jesus (Blessed Carlo Acutis), an adventurous and politically involved young man (Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati), a woman who exemplified mercy (St. Maria Goretti), and a woman who lived a saintly life in her seemingly simple life (St. Therese of Lisieux).